Parish Council Notes – 2 – Your Councillors and their Focus

Your Parish Council takes an interest in and acts on all sorts of things to do with the Nunthorpe Parish (and sometimes beyond its boundaries where there is potential impact on us). We cannot all look in to all matters that concern us, or are raised with us by Parish residents. We do the sensible thing and individual Councillors volunteer to focus their attention and time on broadly defined areas of Parish life. They then can feed back their more detailed insights and research at Parish Council Meetings so that, where needed, decisions can be made my the whole Council (Resolutions). Such Resolutions may be to write letters (say on Planning issues); to support local initiatives with grant funding and personal action; or to investigate new opportunities and long term plans in and for the Parish. You can see many examples in our most recent Minutes.

You can find brief biographical notes on all our current Councillors on our Your Current Councillors page. The following list describes the focus areas of us all:

Trees, Flowers & Waste Management: Wade Tovey with Russ Lynch

Public Rights of Ways (PRoWs), Bridleways etc.: Carol McArdle with Adrian Walker

Traffic: Adrian Walker with Russ Lynch

Crime & Antisocial Behaviour (ASB): Adrian Walker with Ros Davey

Planning Applications: Carol McArdle with Ros Davey (and Morgan McClintock)

Constitution & Organisation: Morgan McClintock and Mike Eccles, with Mike taking the lead on developing  a communications strategy  (including website management)  and on enhancing our HR framework.

Martin Lyon, our recent recruit has yet to be integrated into this list.

Many Councillors volunteer time to other Nunthorpe Groups. This is particularly helpful in informing their focus areas and the whole Council when decisions are made.